ISANTA and ISANTA members are actively involved in the development and maintenance of safety standards for hand-held non-electric fastener driving tools.
ISANTA is an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer and also serves as the U.S. TAG Administrator for ISOTC 118/SC 3.
ANSI SNT-101: Safety Requirements for Portable, Compressed-Air-Actuated, Fastener-Driving Tools.
This American National Standard contains safety requirements for tool manufacturers, tool purchasers, and tool operators and is intended to provide safeguards for persons and property from accidental hazards arising from the use of air-actuated fastening tools.
Users of the ISANTA website may view, print, download, or otherwise save copies of ANSI SNT-101-2015 for their own personal or internal business purposes. No other use, including reproduction, retransmission, editing, or distribution, by sale or otherwise, of this publication may be made without the prior written permission of ISANTA. ANSI SNT-101-2015.
ISO 11148 -13: 2017, Hand-held non-electric power tool-Safety Requirements – Part 13: Fastener driving tools.
This standard (when adopted by a country) specifies the safety requirements for hand-held non-electric fastener power tools. Copies are available for purchase on the ISO website. Click the following link to be redirected. ISO-11148-13:2017