Technical Resources and Standards

International Staple, Nail and Tool Association

ISANTA is active in the development of codes, technical standards, and tool safety standards. Serving as the collective voice of its members, ISANTA advocates to influence the standards in the interest of its members. We offer technical resources for use by members, industry partners and those interested in these codes, standards, tool safety and more in our industry.

Review our Safety Glossary of Terms.


ISANTA maintains the most comprehensive evaluation report for nails and staples in the construction industry. ESR-1539 is used by code officials, designers and builders to verify that the nails and staples chosen from our members comply with code requirements. See more information on ESR-1539.

Tool Safety Standards

ISANTA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a Standard Developer Organization (SDO). ISANTA is active in aiding the development of safety standards for driven fastener power tools. These standards apply to nailers, staplers and specialty tools. ISANTA is responsible for the development and maintenance of ANSI SNT-101 and is a member of the ANSI committee Z535 on product safety labeling.

As secretariat of ISO TC 118/SC 3 WG 7, ISANTA is actively engaged in the development and revision of ISO 11148-13.

ISANTA serves as the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator to ISO Technical Committee (TC) 118, SC  3 the subcommittee responsible for the development and maintenance of standards in field of pneumatic tools and machines.

ISANTA participates as a member of the USNC TAG for IEC TC 116, Safety of motor-operated electric tools.

See more information on the safety standards.

ASTM Standards

ASTM standards are an integral part of the manufacturing, testing and use of nails and staples in the North American construction industry. Learn more about the standards that influence our member products.

Model Building Codes

Model Building Codes are a comprehensive set of modern building safety codes used in the United States and other countries to ensure the engineering of safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Learn more about these codes.


The 2018 NDS with commentary addresses for the first time nail head pull-through. ISANTA provides the following technical bulletin for determining pull-through values of power tool driven nails. Nail Head Pull-Through for Power Tool Driven Nails.

The 2018 NDS with commentary contains significant changes in nail withdrawal values. Please see this advisory for more information. Nail Withdrawal Changes in the 2018 NDS

The following was presented at the March 2017 annual meeting of RICOWI Inc. (Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues) in Anaheim, CA:

Updated RICOWI 2017 Presentation: Part 1
Updated RICOWI 2017 Presentation: Part 2
Updated RICOWI 2017 Presentation: Part 3

International Staple, Nail and Tool Association